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You only have one dream but it feels like many because your mind shows you so many images. Dont get fooled if you feel like you've been in more than one dream while sleeping!

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Q: How many dreams do you have everynight?
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"Everynight I rush to my bed.... with hopes that maybe I'll get a chance to see you when i close my eyes..."

When was Everynight ... Everynight created?

Everynight ... Everynight was created in 1994.

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The duration of Everynight ... Everynight is 1.53 hours.

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Your dreams reflect your own thoughts and feelings. If you have a crush on this someone and think a lot about them, it is natural for them to appear in your dreams. Your dreams can only originate from your own mind. These dreams do NOT mean that this person is thinking or dreaming about you.

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It is not particularly unusual for one to have vivid dreams every night. But there are some medications that have the side effect of causing vivid or disturbing dreams. If you have recently begun a new medication - or if you are using a non-prescription medication or other drug - that could be the source of the frequent vivid dreams.

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UMM HELLO so what i have them every night it just makes you fall asleep better dont be scared

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It is possible for someone to have recurring dreams, including twilight dreams, without consciously thinking about them. Dreams are often influenced by a person's subconscious thoughts, emotions, experiences, and beliefs. If someone is experiencing vivid or recurring twilight dreams, it may be helpful for them to explore any underlying feelings or stressors that could be impacting their dream patterns.

I am are in love the girl has left to tasmaia everynight i dream of her leaving you and kissing you gbye you watch horor movies so you can rid yourself of these dreams it does not work wat to do?

wont wont n e one answer my question

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