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A grasshopper has two very tinsy eardrums. this helps them to hear their enemies coming from behind. The same as us we have two eardrums to hear.

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Q: How many eardrums does a grasshopper have?
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What is the function of the eardrums on the grasshopper?

The function of eardrums on grasshoppers, as with any other animal, is so they can hear the sounds of things around them. This permits them to find mates and increases their chances of avoiding being eaten by another animal.

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How many eardrum do grasshoppers have?

They have 3 eardrums.

Do elephants has small eardrums?

nô they do not have small eardrums.

How many maxilla is on a a grasshopper?

There is 43 Maxilla on a Grasshopper.

How many hearts does a grasshopper have?

A grasshopper has one heart

How many syllables is there in the word grasshopper?

The word grasshopper has three syllables.

As afraid as a grasshopper meaning?

Grasshopper's have many prey, so they constantly hop away. The saying, as afraid as a grasshopper is referring to their propensity to hop away.

What is the function of the tympanic membrane on a grasshopper?

To allow the grasshopper to hear. The tympanum is basically an eardrum in the side of a grashopper's body. To hear, just like us. Grasshopper and cricket males often chirp and sing to attract females, so the females need to hear quite well, and males compete with other males, so they also need the eardrums.

How many antennas does a grasshopper have?

a grass hopper has 2 antennae's

What species is a grasshopper?

A grasshopper is a general term for many species of fact there are 11,000 valid species of grasshopper!

Who is meant to wear Grasshopper shoes?

There are many different styles of Grasshopper shoes available. Grasshopper shoes are most commonly found among professionals that stand on their feet for many hours.