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it takes 234 earth days for venus to have one day and night

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Q: How many earth days does it take one side of Venus to have both day and night?
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How long are the days on Venus's and mercury?

117 earth days is equal to 1 Venus day. (including night time.) Mercury's day is the equivalent to 176 earth days.

How many years does it take the earth to revolve around venus?

The Earth does not revolve around Venus. Both the Earth and Venus revolve around the Sun. The Earth takes about 365.25 days to do so, and Venus takes about 224.7 days to do so.

A day on Venus lasts about the same as what on earth?

Venus is slow, One day on venus is about 243 Earth days. As I've written elsewhere the Venus "sidereal day" is 243 Earth days, but there's also the "solar day" of about 117 Earth days. Both types of day are just a few minutes different on Earth.

The length of night for venus?

i dont know figure it out your self

What is venus day and night cycle?

The time from one sunrise to the next is about 117 Earth days. The length of day and night are roughly equal at about 58 Earth days each.

Does Venus's have day and night?

Venus does not spin on it's axis as fast as the earth does. It takes Venus 243 days to do one complete revolution. A day on Venus is longer than it's year.

Seven Venus days equal how many Earth years?

One Venus day equals 243 Earth days. Seven Venus days equals 1701 Earth days, or 4.66 Earth years. 243 days is the Sidereal day length,but remember Venus has a Solar day of only 117 Earth days.

How many earth days will make a venus day?

There are 243 Earth days for a Venus day - but a Venus year is just under 225 Earth days. Therefore - a day on Venus is longer than a year !

If you stayed on Venus for one week how many earth days would that be?

A day on Venus is equal to 243 Earth Days. So a week on Venus would be 1,701 Earth days or 4.65 Earth years. However, a Venus year is only 224 Earth Days!!! so a week could be 4.3 Earth days

What is a week on Venus's?

One day on Venus is equal to about 243 days on Earth so 7 days would be 1,701 Earth days or 7.56 Venus years.

How long is Venus year?

Venus rotates VERY slowly. Each day on Venus takes 243 Earth days. A year on Venus takes 224.7 Earth days. It takes 224.7 Earth days for Venus to orbit the sun once. The same side of Venus always faces Earth when the Earth and Venus are closest together.

Length of day and night for Venus?

the length of a day on Venus is 243 Earth days and a year on Venus is 225 Earth days!