

How many earth years does it take a comet to orbit?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Halley's Comet takes 73.5 years to orbit the sun but every comet is different just like planets.

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Q: How many earth years does it take a comet to orbit?
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How many years does it take for Haley's comet to orbit the sun?

76 years.

How many years did it take Hayleys comet to orbit the earth?

Hayley's Comet does not orbit the Earth. It has a long elliptical orbit around the Sun, and gets as far out as the orbits of Neptune and Pluto (35.1 AU) , only to return to the inner solar system every 75-76 years. (Its orbit is perturbed by some planets.) It last reached perihelion (closest to the Sun) in 1986, and it will not return until 2061.

What does a longer orbit mean?

Having an elliptical orbit means there is a point for each comet where it is a comet's orbit can be changed over many years by gravity, until it is long and thin.

How many years does it take for Hale-Bopp comet to orbit the sun?

2,537 years

Approximately how many years does it take Halley's comet to orbit around the sun?

about 76 years

How many years does it take for haleys comet to come bythe earth?

It takes roughly 75 years for Halley's comet to come by the earth. All comets orbit the sun, but they do not all originate from the same place, which accounts for their paths and how long their individual orbit takes.

How many earth years does it takes Pluto to orbit the sun?

248 earth years to orbit the sun

How many years does it Halley's comet to pass earth?

over 300 years.

How many earth years is Jupiter s orbit?

11.86 Earth years

Why are you able to see a certain comet one but not again until many years later?

The orbits of comets are elongated ovals that take the comet around the sun and then far out beyond Pluto. We can see them only in that part of their orbit which brings them close to the Earth

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Mercury's orbit of the sun take 88 Earth days so 0.24 Earth years

How many earth years does it take to Jupiter to orbit the sun?

Jupiter takes 11.8618 Earth years to orbit the sun once