

How many earth years would it take to travel to Mercury?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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it depends on how fast you are going.But if you are traveling on avange speed it would take more than 4.4 billion years to get there.

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Q: How many earth years would it take to travel to Mercury?
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6500 000 000 000 years.

How old would a 13 year old be on mercury?

If someone could live on Mercury and still used an Earth clock, they would be the same age, 13 Earth years.However, if you lived there and had measured your age as 13 Mercury years, you would be just 3 Earth years old. Mercury's year, the time it takes to go around the Sun, is only about 88 days. So 13 Mercury years would be 13 x 88 or just 1144 Earth days (3.13 Earth years). Mercury completes an orbit 4 times while Earth is making just one.Conversely, if you moved to Mercury and wanted to express your age here (13 Earth years) in Mercury years, you would say that you were almost 54 Mercury years old (You are 4745 Earth days old, which is 53.9 Mercury years).

How old would you be if on mercury if im 10 now?

To get that answer, you multiply your age by 4. So if you were 11 on Earth, you would be 44 on Mercury.

Which planet has the shorter travel time by jet from earth-saturn or mercury?

Mercury. Travelling at around Jet plane speed (1000km/h or 600mph) it would take about 163 years to get to Saturn. It would only take 10.6 years to reach Mercury at its closest approach, travelling the same speed.

How old would someone be if they were one on earth and on mercury for ten years?

they would be 3.4 bar years old. in mercury years they would be 14.09 bar years old.

How old would a thirteen year old be on mercury?

I did some research, and since Mercury is closest to the sun it is hotter and Mercury orbits faster than Earth, so I read that Mercury is 41 years ahead of Earth, so a thirteen year old would be 54 years old on Mercury or in other words, "mercury years."

How old would you be on mercury if you are fourteen on earth?

59.7 years

What would you age on mercury?

You would be a little over 41 if you go by Mercury years.

How long it would take to travel to mercury at 10000 mph?

A few years

How old would a twelve year old person would be in mercury?

To get to Mercury you have to wait for 10,000 years to get there, so it would be 10,000 plus 12 22,000 is gonna be your age when you arrive, so that means that no one can get to Mercury, Only space probes, Space probes travel so fast that they get to Mercury in one day!!!!! A 12 year old mercurian would be 12 years old - just that their year is shorter than our (earth) year. Mercury orbits the sun in approx 88 earth days so for every earth year, the mercurians would experience approx 4.15 mercurian years. So in the time someone reaches 12 years old on earth, a mercurian would have reached approx 49.81 mercurian years old. But as the mercurian day is approx 2/3 a mercurian year, a 12 year earthling is approx 4380 earth days old, whereas the 49.81 mercurian is only about 75 mercurian days old.

Would a human be younger or older on mercury?

The Earth rotates a little over 360 degrees in a 24 hour period, thus making a "day". The Earth revolves around the Sun once in approximately 365 days. That's an "Earth year". Mercury revolves around the Sun once every 88 days. That's a "Mercury year". So a little over 4 Mercury years would pass in the same amount of time it takes for an Earth year to pass. So say I'm 38 in Earth years, and I calculated the same age for Mercury. Converting my Earth years to Mercury years, I would be approximately 158. That is, if I spent 38 Earth years on Mercury, it would add up to approximately 158 Mercury years. So, in a sense, you would be "older". However, if you were born and raised on Mercury and spent 38 Mercury years there and then came to Earth, you would be only just over 9 years old in Earth years. So that in a sense would make you "younger". Of course, you wouldn't really be older or younger. Actually, Relativity Theory predicts that there would be extremely small, but real effects, caused by differences in orbital velocities and gravitational field strengths. However, I'm pretty sure that's not what this question meant.

How long would it take mercury to orbit the sun in earth years?

it would take 88 earth days to orbit the sun so it is 1/4 earth years.