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Q: How many eastern box turtles are left?
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Can eastern box turtles live in salt water?

Box turtles live on land not in water

Do the eastern box turtles abandon its eggs?

Yes, all turtles do.

Can eastern box turtles eat dandelions?

Yes they can

What is the habitat for a box turtle?

Eastern Box Turtles Live in Swampy Places eastern box turtles live in open feilds associated with marsh

How many babies do box turtles have?

Well I have an Eastern Box turtle that laid 3 eggs. But they can lay up to 6. But usually have 3 eggs.

How fast do eastern box turtles crawl?

i say about 5 mph.

How big are eastern box turtles when they are born?

About the size of a half dollar coin

what habitat do northern box turtles live in?

There are only two species of box turtle in the continental US, the Eastern and the Western Box turtle. They are predominantly terrestrial turtles, although many of them enjoy soaking in a shallow pond or stream, and many can swim. Box turtles are adaptable to many habitats, but are found most often in wooded areas with brushy ground cover. They require some moist ground where they can forage for earthworms, grubs and snails. Most box turtles, but not all, hibernate in the winter.

Can box turtles live in the same outdoor enclosure with a Russian Tortoise?

Yes, I have two eastern box turtles and two Russian tortoise's that live in the same enclosure.

How many eastern box turtles exist in the world?

They have five (5) toes on their front legs and four (4) toes on their back legs.

Can eastern box turtles live in water?

No. technically, tarapins are land creatures and turtles live in a water environment (i.e. loggerhead turtles, snapping turtles)

What are tarpin turtles?

Tarpin is a name for eastern box turtle. That's what they are called in East Tennessee.