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The number of eggs a fish lays at a time varies widely among different species and sizes of fish. Some fish lay only a few; others lay millions. Usually this has something to do with how the fish care for their eggs. With the species that simply leave their eggs' survival to chance and just swim away, more eggs are produced. If a species sticks around and looks after the eggs until they hatch, and even watches over the baby fish, usually less eggs are laid.

For example, Cod lay up to 9 million eggs, but these are left to drift where they will, and so many don't survive even to hatch. Herrings, which lay around 50,000 eggs, also abandon them, but the eggs stick to the bottom and are less likely to be eaten by predators.

Species such as bass, salmon, some sticklebacks, and trout stay and watch over their eggs, which often sink and stick to the bottom like herring eggs. But these species lay far fewer eggs than herrings, because the extra protection gives the eggs much better chance of survival.

If you had a certain category or species of fish in mind, asking more specifically about it would result in a better answer.

Anyway, I hope this helped.

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12y ago

Usually 200 Egg's At One Time But About 20% Of The Egg's Dont Hatch...xx

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millions of eggs at a time

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Q: How many eggs can Siamese fighting fish lay at one time?
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How many eggs does a siamese fighting fish lay?

Usually around 200 or so.

How many babies do Siamese fighting fish have?

i think like 300 but sometimes even 500 eggs at a time!

How many eggs do Siamese fighting fish?

Sometimes it depends I had sims chinese fighting fish and if they have wild sex then it's mist likely to be at least 20-80 eggs if they have had sex on numerous occasions it may be that it's more than that

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After a fish lays its eggs after how many days does the eggs hatch?

depends on the fish.

If you have a medium sized bowl and have a Siamese fighting fish in it is it okay to keep another fish in it or would it be too full?

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What is a dragon Siamese fighting fish?

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