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Mockingbirds lay 2 to 6 eggs. They hatch in 11 to 13 days.

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12y ago

They lay 2 to 6 eggs at one time

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13y ago

Yes. All female birds lay eggs.

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Q: How many eggs do mockingbirds lay and what is gestation time?
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Probably because they have no gestation period. Although their eggs have an incubation period.

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The gestation period is 19-21 days from the time the tiels start sitting on the eggs.

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Piranha gestation lasts from about four to six weeks depending on the species. A female of many of the species is able to lay over 5,000 eggs at a time.

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Chicken Gestation: 22 days, Oviparus (lays eggs) Human Gestation: 280 days The difference in time (280-22) is 258 days.

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There are many fish and amphibians for which the female lays soft-shelled unfertilized eggs, which the male then fertilizes. Because the fertilized eggs were never inside the female's body, one might say that there was no gestation period. However, all animals that have internal fertilization have some length of gestation period. For most animals, the gestation period is much shorter than the time between laying the eggs and the eggs hatching: for example, a chicken egg has a gestation period of one day, but the eggs do not hatch until 24 days after being laid. Monotreme mammals (platypuses and echidnas) have longer gestation periods and proportionally shorter distances between the laying of the eggs and the eggs hatching.

Gestation time for blue jay eggs?

14 days from the time she lays her final egg in the clutch.

Bird egg gestation?

Incubation time of bird eggs vary greatly from species to species. Typically the smaller the egg, the shorter the gestation time. Small songbird egg will generally hatch in about 11 days. However, eggs of the Royal Albatross take about 80 days. Other factors may affect the gestation time as well, including the amount of time the eggs are covered in different kinds of weather, egg turning frequency, and if gestation time is calculated from the time the individual egg is laid or when the parent starts to "sit" on the nest. Oftentimes, a bird will not begin to incubate the eggs until the entire clutch has been laid.

What is the gestation time for swan?

Swans are not mammals, therefore, they lay eggs and sit on them until they hatch.

What is the gestation period of an angelfish?

Angelfish eggs hatch in 2 to 3 days depending on water temperature. Wamer water tends to shorten gestation time.

What is a black mamba's gestation time?

The eggs develop for about 60 days after being laid the eggs then incubate for about a further 60 days before hatching.

How long is tick gestation and how many eggs do ticks lay at one time?

I'm seeing varied answers around the net. Some sources say 500 at a time, others between 1,000-3,000. So the real answer is, a super scary amount.

What is the Gestation period for pheasant eggs?

The term "gestation length" refers to mammals. Pheasants are birds, not mammals. So the number you are looking for is more commonly referred to as "time to hatching" or perhaps "incubation length."