

How many eggs of octupus?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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A female Octopus can lay about 10000 eggs a time or even more.

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How many arms does a octupus have?

8 arms

How many types of octupus are there?

about 650-700

Why is octupus called an octupus?

octupus is of greek origin.. it actually means that this creature has eight legs

How many arms octupus have?

octupuses have 8 arms

How many legs does an octupus have?

An octopus has eight TENTACLES

Where does the octupus live?

In the red sea

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Over 200 species have been recognized.

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because octupus don`t want you near them

What covering does a octupus have?

An octupus has slimy skin that protects it from any sharp rocks.