

How many electron are in its outer energy level?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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9y ago

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This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a Periodic Table.

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Q: How many electron are in its outer energy level?
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An energy level is the fixed amount of energy that a system described by quantum mechanics, such as a molecule, atom, electron, or nucleus, can have. There are no full energy levels in an atom of hydrogen. The first energy level of any atom can hold 2 electrons. Hydrogen only has one electron and it is in the first energy level.

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It needs to lose one electron so that it can have 8 electrons in its outer orbital

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I had a science question that asked: An electron ______ is the chemical symbol for the element surrounded by as many dots as there are electrons in its outer energy level. That is pretty much the same as yours. I put dot diagram... Meaning electron dot diagram

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it has 2 because the first energy level has 1