

How many electron volt in a hertz?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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14y ago

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Hz is a unit of frequency and is equivalent to cycles per second.

The election-volt, or eV, is a unit of energy and represents the

increase in energy of an electron after accelerating through a

potential difference of 1 Volt.

The energy of a photon with frequency f is given by the Planck

formula E = hf, where h is Planck's constant. In terms of eV and Hz,

the units of h are eV/Hz, or more commonly eV-secs. The value

of h in these units about 4.1357e-15.

Hence, a photon with a frequency of 1 GHz will have an energy of

4.1357e-15*1e9, or about 4.1357e-6 eV. This energy is millions of

times smaller than the energy needed to break covalent bonds.

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11y ago

there are zero watts in a hertz. Watts is a measure of power. One Watt equals one Joule per second.

A hertz is a frequency or in actuality the inverse of a fequency 1/f and is ussually represented in cylces per second.

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1w ago

There is no direct conversion between electron volts (eV) and hertz (Hz) as they are units measuring different things. Electron volt is a unit of energy while hertz is a unit of frequency.

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There is no way to answer that. A watt is one volt times one amp. A hertz is one cycle per second. There is no correlation between them.There is no way to answer that. A watt is one volt times one amp. A hertz is one cycle per second. There is no correlation between them.

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