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Sulfur Electrons and Neutrons

A neutral atom of sulfur has 16 electrons and 16 protons.

Most sulfur atoms, but not all, have 16 neutrals also... but some have more and some have less!

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Over 95% of sulfur atoms have 16 neutrons (to go with its 16 protons).

However, stable isotopes of sulfur exist with 18 neutrons (just under 5% of all sulfur atoms), as well as 17 and 20 neutrons (together equaling about 1%).

Interestingly, sulfur atoms with 19 neutrons have been created in the laboratory; that version is radioactive, with a half life of just under three months.

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A sulfur atom has 16 electrons and typically has 16 neutrons.

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Q: How many electrons and neutrons does a sulfur atom have?
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How many protons electrons neutrons in sulfur?

Sulfur has 16 protons, 16 electrons, and 16 neutrons.

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Sulfur is a non metal element. There are 16 electrons in a single atom.

How many protons electrons and neutrons do sulfur have?

Sulfur has 16 protons and 16 electrons. The number of neutrons can vary in different isotopes of sulfur, but the most common isotope, sulfur-32, has 16 neutrons.

How many protons neutrons and electrons are in an atom of S-33?

An atom of Sulfur-33 contains 16 protons (because it is sulfur), 17 neutrons (because of the isotope number 33), and 16 electrons (since atoms are electrically neutral).

How many electrons are in sulfur isotopes 32?

16 electrons in the neutral atom. Sulfur -32 is an isotope containing 32 protons and neutrons Sulfur has an atomic number of 16, which is the number of protons therefore sulfur-32 has 16 neutrons

How many protons neutrons and electrons are there in sulfur?

There are 16 protons, 16 neutrons and 16 electrons in a Sulfur atom. *note it's atomic number- this is the number of protons in an atom of an element. There must be the same number of electrons to balance the charge. The atomic weight minus the number of protons gives you the number of neutrons

How many electrons does an atom of sulfur have?

An atom of sulfur has 16 electrons.

How many neutrons are there in an atom with an atomic mass or 46?

The isotope sulfur-46 has 16 protons and electrons and 30 neutrons (the exact atomic mass is 46.000750).

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How many electrons are found in a neutral atom of sulfur?

A neutral atom of sulfur contains 16 electrons.

How many electons does sulfur have?

A neutral atom of sulfur has 16 electrons.

How many neutrons are in sulfur 34?

16 Sulfur's atomic number is 16. This means that a sulfur atom has 16 protons and 16 electrons. The '36' in 'Sulfur-36' means that it has a molar mass of 36. This doesn't affect the number of electrons because electrons have barely any mass compared to protons and neutrons, the other subatomic particles. Thus, sulfur-36 has 20 neutrons, 16 protons, 16 electrons.