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Q: How many elements do scientist know which can exists naturally?
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Who was the scientist that organized the elements into a table that you use today and what was the table called?

i don't know the scientist but it is the periodic table of the elements

How many elements have scientist discovered or created?

As of 2006, scientists know of 117 different elements

What are the elements derived from the name of scientist?

The elements are Curium (Cm), Mendelevium, Einsteinium...That's all I know..

Why are the lightest elements located the center of the solar system?

Ask a scientist, they'll know.

Who is dimitry mendeleeve?

The scientist who began organising elements into what we now know as the Periodic Table.

How many naturally occurring atoms exist?

well buddy there are only 92 elements in the periodic table occurring naturally on earth.. the rest are all man made...

How many natural elements exist that you know of?

There are 90 naturally occurring elements. The other 28 are synthetic. Refer to the related link for a printable colored periodic table that identifies the artificially prepared elements.

Why the scientist who made the first periodic table didn't understand why properties of elements repeated?

He didn't know about electron configuration.

Who is the scientist that claim that life exists on mars?

Me. But on a serious note, there are many scientists and I do not know all of them, there are too many to name. It is not just one scientist and many do. Also it is not simply claiming the "is" life, but seeing if there is. Nobody knows for sure, we just want to know and see if there is.

Why are scientists unable to tell how many different viruses there are?

Even before the knowledge of science exists, these things such as viruses already exsisted.....the scientist will know in time.

Who invented potasium?

Potassium is a naturally occurring element, which means that unlike "man made" or synthetic elements, it does not require inventing. Potassium was discovered by British scientist Sir Humphry Davy in the early 1800's. The process that created natural occurring elements like potassium, silicon, oxygen, etc. occurred billions of years ago. After the big bang, the event that formed our universe, small atoms like hydrogen and helium were the only elements in the universe. However, the creation of the first stars created an environment which was hot enough to cause nucleosynthesis: the process of creating heavier elements from smaller ones. As older stars died, they released new/heavier elements into the universe. These new/larger elements were then integrated into new stars, where they were made into even larger elements. This process continued for generation after generation of stars until the present. We currently know of 92 naturally occurring elements. This means that all of the naturally occurring elements on earth, including Potassium, actually come from stars. hope this helps :D

How can a fossil help a scientist know what an animal looked like after it no longer exists?

They can re-create the structure based on the bones. Bone structure is specific to certain species.