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because you touch yourself at night

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There are two elements in period 3 that are expected to be paramagnetic in the gas phase: sodium (Na) and sulfur (S). These elements have unpaired electrons in their outermost electron shells, making them paramagnetic.

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Q: How many elements in period 3 have atoms that are expected to be paramagnetic in the gas phase?
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Which of the following ions or atoms possess paramagnetic properties Ar S2- S F- Zn?

The ions or atoms with paramagnetic properties are: S and Zn. Ar, S2-, F-, do not exhibit paramagnetic properties because they have all of their electrons paired up in their orbitals. Zn has incompletely filled d-orbitals, making it paramagnetic.

What is meant by preiod of elements?

The period of elements in the periodic table refers to the horizontal rows that categorize elements based on the number of electron shells they have. Each period corresponds to the number of electron shells an element's atoms possess, ranging from 1 to 7 as we move from left to right across the table.

Are molecules made up of atoms or combined elements?

Yes, atoms make up almost everything, they can only be broken down into protons, neutrons and electrons. An element is a substance found on the periodic table with certain rules and regulations given to each element. An element is made up only of atoms. A compound is a mixture of two or more elements that can be broken down into elements again, it is not a pure substance as such. So a compound is made up of elements, elements are made of atoms.

What is the relationship among atoms elements and molecules?

Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, and they combine to form elements. Elements are composed of one type of atom and can be found on the periodic table. When atoms of different elements are chemically bonded together, they form molecules.

What can the period of a element be determined by?

The period of an element in the periodic table can be determined by the number of electron shells or energy levels that the element's atoms have. Each period on the periodic table corresponds to the number of electron shells occupied by the elements within that period.

Related questions

Which of the following ions or atoms possess paramagnetic properties Ar S2- S F- Zn?

The ions or atoms with paramagnetic properties are: S and Zn. Ar, S2-, F-, do not exhibit paramagnetic properties because they have all of their electrons paired up in their orbitals. Zn has incompletely filled d-orbitals, making it paramagnetic.

What do the atoms in elements in period 3 have in common?

Three electrons in their valency orbit.

How many electron shells do the atoms of elements in the second period have?

two K and L

Which chemical family has atoms with the fewest number of electrons?

Elements in group 1 have a lower number of electrons with respect to the other elements in the same period.

How many atoms are larger than Ca and in the same period as Ca?

There are 17 elements larger than calcium (Ca) on the periodic table in calcium's period.

What is meant by preiod of elements?

The period of elements in the periodic table refers to the horizontal rows that categorize elements based on the number of electron shells they have. Each period corresponds to the number of electron shells an element's atoms possess, ranging from 1 to 7 as we move from left to right across the table.

Which kind of elements are made of atoms?

All elements are composed of atoms.

How are matter atoms and elements related?

They are related because atoms are made of matter,elements are made of atoms,and matter is made up of elements.

All of the atoms of the elements in period 2 have the sme number of?

Atoms of elements in group (column 2 of the periodic table) have 2 electrons in their outer shell. They have a low electronegativity, which means the electrons are not strongly attracted to the protons in the nucleus when compared to the electrons in atoms of column 6 or 7. For this reason, group 2 elements easily form +2 ion when in the presence of group 6 or7 elements.

What is gold's period?

Gold's period is 6, meaning it is in the 6th period of the periodic table. This indicates that gold's atoms have six electron shells.

How are atoms related to element's?

Atoms are related to elements because atoms are what comprise elements. An atom still has atoms no matter what state it is in.

How are atoms different then elements?

YES!!!!!!! Atoms are the ones that make up the elements!!!!!!!