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Q: How many examples do we have in the vector qantity?
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What are the Examples of a vector quantity?

Some examples of a vector quantity would be a car or a plane.

Where can one get free vector images?

Free vector images are available from many online sources that store vector images. Fotolia and Vecteezy are just a few examples of free vector image websites.

Are there any well known examples of vector art?

I am not aware of any well known examples of vector art. However, anything done by well known vector artists such as Cristiano Siqueira would be good examples.

How much good fat are in pistachios?

depends on it's qantity!!

What are the examples of vector energy?

Examples of vector energy Torque = FxD = FDsin(FD) also particle motion , E= mcV.

What are the Examples of null vector?

The null vector, also called the zero vector, is a vector a, such that a+b=b for any vector b. Also, b+( -b)=a An example in R3 is the vector <0,0,0> Here are some examples of its use <2,2,2>+<-2,-2,-2>=<0,0,0> <2,2,2>+<0,0,0>=<2,2,2>

What are the examples of vector?

Examples of vector quantity are displacement, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, E-filed, B-field, torque, energy, etc.

What are the importance of vector in mathematics?

They are used in a types of mathematics and can represent anything with a direction and a magnituted. Examples are temperature changes, directions you move, but many examples are far more abstract. In fact every ordered pair of numbers, (a,b) can be thought of as a vector with the origin (0,0) being one point and (a,b) being the other end of the vector. We should can the point tip and tail of the vector. However, remember, the line segment with an arrow is just a representation of the vector, it is not the vector itself.

What are both examples of vector quantities?

Velocity, acceleration/speed

When should distance vector routing be used?

Distance vector routing is used when the network is simple and has no hierarchical design. Examples of distance vector routing protocols are RIP and IGRP.

How does raster and vector helps gis with examples?

i dont knw :D

Give two examples of vector quantities?

Velocity, acceleration, displacement, there are a lot.