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Q: How many famous people have Asperger's Syndrome?
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How many people have aspergers syndrome in Australia?

don't know don't care blabla

What are people with Asperger's Syndrome good at doing?

It depends on their skills and abilities. People with Aspergers are not limited in many things.

Did Kurt cobain have aspergers?

Yes he did I believe. People with Aspergers are very creative, talented, and always think optimistically from other people around them. So Kurt thought the same way as many kids with this syndrome do.

How come people don't want to be friends with people who have aspergers?

People with aspergers dont have many friends because they are shy but some people will play with aspies and make friends with them. I have aspergers but have a good amount of friends. People with aspergers are aslo morelikely to be bullied so they might get a reputation as being weak

Are there any specific phenotypes that are associated with Asperger's Syndrome?

Nope just genotypes. However in many cases that I've read or seen many people with aspergers tend to have red hair or hair with reddish highlights.

How do you spot someone with aspergeous syndrome?

This is very difficult. Aspergers is a disorder and has many characteristics and mannerisms, but other people may have the some of the same but not all of them. It is tricky and unless you are trained to do this it isn't easy.

Adult aspergers syndrome?

People with Aspergers tend to see large improvements as they get older. Children with Aspergers tend to be what others may say, "In their own world" as they may be obsessive with certain things and prefer to be alone. Teens with Aspergers tend to be more social and aware of themselves and this is a rather touchy area as with other teens. Adults with Aspergers may or may not be viewed as being an Aspie as many adults can "mask" the issue by acting as how others behave or doing what needs to be done. Normally adults are seen as normal yet "off" but this alone is normal as they have Aspergers.

Is aspergers a mentall illness?

Aspergers is not a mentall illness it is not a diesease you can,t catch aspergers by being around someone with aspergers. People with aspergers are born with it. Although aspergers affects the way people think and veiw the world it is not a diesese. Recent aspergers studies have shown that in brains of people with aspergers there is a difference in the way the brain is wired and set up. and there have also been studies of aspergers brain waves and it showed the brain waves of people with aspergers differed from nerotypical brain waves. Just because people with aspergers think differently does not make them mentally ill there is a huge difference between the two.

Can anybody explain about aspergers in children ?

Aspergers syndrome is a type of developmental disorder which delays many basic skills, especially one's ability to socialize and communicate with others as well as to use one's imagination. It is similar to autism but children with Aspergers are usually able to function better than children with autism.

Why are people with aspergers syndrome specific?

They want to be understood. ^This is true. But also, a lot of people with Asperger's are concrete thinkers, and have trouble with generalizing or being unclear. Many also tend to be very detail-oriented, so they are specific. Sources: On the spectrum

Is there famous people with Edwards syndrome?

no because many die before the first 6 months they live

Why is it relieving to find out you have Asperger's Syndrome?

If you have Aspergers, you have probably usually been the odd one out. Many other people have thought you were strange, and as a result, you have probably been lonely.There may have been aspects of your own personality that frustrated you. You may have wondered "Why am I like this?" If you find out you have Aspergers, things suddenly make sense. You have an answer. You can be accepting of yourself. It is a relief.