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Q: How many flamingos are left in the world?
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How many flamingos are there?

There are about 1.5 to 2.5 million flamingos.

What parts of the world do flamingos live?

Flamingos are found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.

How many appearances were there of flamingos?

324.~ anonymous

How many organs do flamingos have?

7 or 8

How many chipmunk are left in te world?

there is 6,287 left in the world

How many hourglass dolphins are left in the world?

About 79,000 are left in the world

How many dholes left in the world?

there are 2500 left in the world (estamated)

There is a group of flamingos and lions Flamingos have have 2 legs and lions have 4 legs There area total of 72 animals and a total of 200 legs How many flamingos are there?

28 + 44You can plug in the animals.

How many flamingos live in one lake?

about 30

How many miles can flamingos run?

10 or so

In the zoo there are 6 flamingos for every 8 ducks. If there are 20 ducks how many flamingos are there?

How do you get 15

How many Water Voles are there left in the world?

There are round about 160 left in our world