

Best Answer

Bb C Db Eb F Gb A Bb

Four notes have flats. The key signature would contain five flats for Bb minor, with accidentals used on the A naturals.

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Q: How many flats are in b flat harmonic minor?
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Related questions

How many flats are in g minor?

There are two flats, B flat and E flat. It is the relative minor for B flat Major.

How many flats are in a minor key?

It varies by key, just like with major keys. There can be as few as one flat (D minor) or all seven flats (A-flat minor). Minor keys can have sharps too.

How many flats in b minor?

There are no flats in b-minor. B major has two flats, both B-flat and A-flat, but b-flat minor is the relative minor of D-major, which has a sharp key signature. The sharps in b-minor are F-sharp and C-sharp.

How many sharps are in a d minor scale?

There aren't any sharps in c minor - there are three flats, b flat, e flat and a flat.

How many flats does it take to make a major key minor?

You flat the third and the sixth and seventh.

How many sharps or flats are there in the f major scale?

E Minor is the same key as G Major, and there is one sharp. It is the F#, which in E Minor scale is the second.

How many flats for b flat?

There are no sharps that are diatonic to the key of B flat. It is a flat key, with two flats (Bb and Eb) and the notes are: Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb. If there are sharps being used, then they would be chromatic alterations. The most frequently used of those would be the C# (as a #9 - like in the "Hendrix chord") and the F# (as a #5, which is also related through the relative harmonic minor).

How many flats or sharps does a b flat major have?

Two flats, B flat and E flat

How many flats are in the key of a flat?

The key of A flat major has four flats: B flat, E flat, A flat and D flat.

How many b flats are on a piano?

If you are talking about key signatures Bb major has 2bs but Bb minor has 5bs.

How do you play an e flat minor scale?

The natural minor would be: E flat, F natural, G flat, A flat, B flat, C flat, D flat, E flat. This has six flats (too many for me), and incidentally is exactly the same as D# minor, which has six sharps. The melodic minor is different on the way up and way down. On the way up, play C natural instead of C flat, and D natural instead of D flat. On the way down, play it the same way as you do a natural minor. And finally, harmonic minor: Leave the C flat alone and play a D natural instead of a D flat going both ways. Pianists tend to practice the harmonic minor, which strings practice the melodic minor. Just ask your teacher what type they would like you to use. There a lot of D# minor scales but i will give you one. |-----11--9--7--6---------------------------------------------E |-------------------9--7--6------------------------------------A |----------------------------8--6------------------------------D |----------------------------------9--8--6---------------------G |-------------------------------------------9--8--6------------B |----------------------------------------------------9--7------e

How many sharps are in a flat minor?

If you are asking how many sharps OR flats are in the key of A minor: There are 3 Modes (scales) for minor keys. Natural has no sharps or flats. The scale is A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A. The Melodic has 2 sharps. The scale is A,B,C,D,E,F#,G#,A (ascending) and A,G,F,E,D,C,B,A (descending) Yes, it's different (F#,G#) when you are going up & all naturals when going down. Harmonic is heard most often with a G#. The scale is A,B,C,D,E,F,G#,A. No matter which key you are in, to make the natural become harmonic, just raise the 7th (which is G in A minor) 1/2 step. I hope this is helpful.