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Thousands and millions and billions and trilions

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Q: How many food-chains start each year?
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the legislators meet in january each year :)

How many gun fatalities happen each year?

FBI Uniform Crime Status Report and the CDC are places to start

How many children start smoking each year?

Statistics show that the number of people who begin smoking each day is 80,000 at the low end of the estimate and as many as 100,000 at the upper end of the estimate. The greatest majority of them are children or young adults.

When does Britain's Got Talent start each year?

Every Year it starts in April.

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1,0000,000,000 each year

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1 each year

How many elephants are killed each year?

aprox 200,000 each year,

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There is about 500,000 each year.

How do the Olympic games start each year?

Olympic flame lighting

When did cars of the past start improving?

They improved with each passing year.