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Q: How many former USSR countries still had communist governments in 2003?
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What countries still have communist governments?

China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam.

what is the government religion in Vietnam?

They are a communist government still, and some countries with communism allow religion and some communist governments don't. The Vietnamese government has persecuted some religious people in their country.

Does Asia have a democratic government?

Asia is a continent and has many different countries, so it has many different governments. There are different types of governments in Asia, like democratic ones, dictatorships, communist governments, military governments and other types.And they are still poor!

What president ended communist rule?

No President is solely responsible for the fall of Communism in any country, it was the desire of the people that ended Communism rule in their country, though a few countries (North Korea, China, and Cuba most notably) still have Communist governments.

What governments were Communist for about sixty years?

There were several. The USSR was communist for about 70 years. China and Cuba, both still recognized as communist, as well as North Korea, have been communist for 60 plus years.

What kind of governments did Russian have?

For centuries they had a monarchy and then a communist government for the last 90 years. Until the 1980's when they became a semi democracy. I was there last year and all the communist symbols are still up and on buildings my personal opinion is that they are still communist.

Is this a communist website?

Communism is a system of government (e.g. The soviet Union used to be a communist country, China Korea, cuba are still communist countries).

Can communism survive without fear?

Certain communist countries are still surviving.

In what ways did the Communist government of the Soviet Union resemble that of the Russian Empire and in what ways was it different?

A name change. People still had to answer to the Tsar and to their new Communist leader. Both the Tzarist & Communist Governments practised territorial expansion.

Which State of America at one time was it illegal to celebrate Christmas?

In The former Soviet Union and other Communist countries, including Cuba. I can recall arguably Hoked ( propagandized) Newspaper articles enjoining the fact that ( Ebenezer Scrooge is alive and well in Castro"s Cuba). As Cuba is still a Communist Country, this may well still be in effect.

Why do people leave communist countries?

There are not a lot of communist countries left in the world, but there was a time when people used to try to flee from communist countries. In some cases they were getting away from abusive dictatorial governments, but more often they just wanted to go to a country where the economy was healthier and they could enjoy a higher standard of living. Communist countries have usually had severe economic problems, and that is the main reason why people eventually rejected communism in most of the formerly communist countries. China is a special case, and although the Chinese government claims to still be communist in nature, it has adopted a mixed economic system, with elements of both communism and capitalism.

Which countries still practice communism?

There are currently 5 Communist countries. They are: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam.