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Q: How many fry does a sword tail fish give birth?
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Does fishes lay egg?

Yes Many species of fish do indeed lay eggs. There are also fish species that give live birth, sharks and small aquarium fish suck as mollies and guppies are examples. These fish that give live birth are called "livebearers".

Do piranha lay egg?

Yes piranhas are fish, and all fish lay eggs.Correction: Not all fish lay eggs. Many popular aquarium fish do not lay eggs but give birth to live young. However, the piranha is an egg-laying fish.

How many times do molly fish give birth for each pregnancy?

If your talking about how long the gestation period (how long it takes from one birth to the next) then it's about 4-6 weeks.

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none...LIONESSES give birth

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How many days does it take for fanfish to give birth

How many does a glass frog give birth?

Frogs do not give birth. They lay eggs.

How many babies do tuna have at one time?

Tuna are fish and don't give birth like mammals. They lay eggs, millions at a time.

How many kittens can a person give birth too?

none, a person does not give birth to kittens

How many baby's do anglerfish reproduce?

they reproduce 100 to 300 eggs only 1 hundredth make it

How many sword fish are left in the world?

There are swordfish in virtually every ocean. They are possibly the most migratory of any ocean fish. Nobody could possibly have any idea how many are left.

How many babies does a margay give birth to in one day?

Margays give birth to a single kitten.

How many do manatees birth?

Well. As you know, manatees give birth quite a lot. They have sex, and then give birth to many little baby manatees. So, there is your answer: Many little baby manatees