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Q: How many gallons of water go over the Niagra Falls in a day?
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How many gallons are in the Niagara Falls?

150,000 gallons of water a second. That is a lot of bath tubs being filled each second!

How many square miles is niagra falls?

80.97 mi²

How many gallons of water fall over Niagara Falls per minute?

About 500,000 gallons of water

How many gallons of water fall each day from Niagara falls?

About 54,936,933,200 gallons per 24 hours.

What website has Niagra Falls vacation packages?

Many websites have Niagra Falls vacation package deals., for example, collects the best rates for travel packages online, taking prices from sites such as Expedia, Travelocity, and Orbitz.

How do you drown three blondes in as many seconds?

Take them on a visit to the big 'waterslide' at Niagra Falls, or similar.

How many gallons of water are in Victoria falls?

The mean annual flow is 287,476 gallons per second

How many gallons of water dose Angel Falls drop a year?

I have no idea but if it is 100 milion gallons an hour then it must be over a billion

Visiting Niagra Falls?

Visiting Niagra Falls is on the top of many peoples' vacation list, being a place of intense romance and stark natural beauty. However, if you are going to visit Niagra Falls, you need to go with a good idea of where you want to go and what you want to do while you're there. While visiting the falls may seem like the most obvious thing to do, remember that Niagra Falls is also a vibrant community that begs to be explored. For most people, this will involve a trip to Clifton Hill. This hill is the tourist area of choice for anyone visiting the falls. It has restaurants, movie theaters, bars, as well as a wide assortment of museums and other types of interesting attractions.

How many gallons of water flow over niagara falls in a hour?

10,500,000 it is 150,000 American gallons per second.

Where can I find the best deals on Niagara Falls vacation packages?

There are many places where you can find deals on Niagra Falls vacation packages. and are two such sites.

What are tourists attractions in NY?

They are many and varied ranging from natural wonders like Niagra Falls to those housed in museums and parks.