

How many gerbils are in the us?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Way too many to count.

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Q: How many gerbils are in the us?
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Related questions

Where can you donate gerbils?

Many breeders will take in rescue gerbils. You can also visit a animal shelter and ask if they will take in gerbils.

How many babies do gerbils have in a liter?

7-8 gerbils in each liter

What climate do gerbils live in?

There are many differant breeds of gerbils some live in the Mongolian desert.

Where Gerbil live?

Gerbils live all over the place! There are actually many different species of gerbils. Domesticated gerbils are Mongolian gerbils, which means they are originally from Mongolia. Gerbils are desert animals, so they live in semiarid and arid places, like the deserts of Mongolia.

Why should you purchase two gerbils gerbils of the same sex instead of one?

many animals especially gerbils enjoy company of their own kind and if you don't want baby gerbils the same sex keeps that from happening.

Can you put hair gell in your gerbils hair?

yes. gerbils enjoy sporting many different types of hairstyles.

Do female gerbils bleed when they have their 'period' there was blood in my female gerbils cage i cant find where it came from and she seems to be fine?

Gerbils do not have periods as they are oestral mammals and not menstrual ones like us. Some oestral mammals have a bloody discharge, but not gerbils. What you saw was most likely to be a smear of porphyrins from a gland near the gerbil's eye.

What are the coulers of gerbils?

gerbils can come in many colors such as brown and white which are very common. although there are other colors which are a bit hard to find such as black, tan, grey,blonde and if you breed gerbils multiple colors

How many kinds of gerbils are there?

They only have different colour coat

How many gerbils are born a year?

up to 50 babies!

What type of gerbil do you have?

I've owned many Mongolian gerbils.

How many babies do gerbils give birth to?

over 9000