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Q: How many giant otters are in zoos 2009?
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Do zoos have otters?

Yes, many zoos have otters. Examples of zoos with otters are the National Zoo, San Diego Zoo, Minnesota Zoo, Philadelphia Zoo, the Trevor Zoo in Millbrook, NY, and the Trailside Zoo at Bear Mountain State Park in New York's Hudson Valley.

How many zoos in France have giant pandas in them?


How many giant pandas are left in the zoos?

there are 1600 in the wild left is that amazing or what:-)

How many giant pandas are kept in zoos all over the world?

about 3

How much are otters worth?

you can not buy an otter. but you can adopt one from partcipating zoos. also we should not purchase otters because they are an indangered species.

Do sea otters live in Germany?

Sea otters are native to the Pacific coastal waters of North America. There may be some sea otters in German zoos, but I don't know. However, European river otters do live in Germany.

How many pandas are in zoos?

As of December 2014, 49 giant pandas lived in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 different countries.

Do all pandas live in zoos?

Yes, there are giant pandas in zoos. China loans its Pandas for 4 years and then they are returned.

Where do giant pandas live in captivity?

In zoos and animal parks

In which country can the giant panda be found?

Giant pandas can only be found in China but sometimes also in zoos

What are adaptations giant otters have?

There is an animal profile for Giant Otters on the Philadelphia Zoo website that provides a few adaptation examples. To quickly highlight some of the information found here, the profile says that giant otters have flattened tails that help them to swim underwater faster and maneuver more easily. They also have fully webbed toes. Furthermore, giant otter fur is very dense and prevents water from touching the otter's skin. Another great place to read more about Giant Otters is the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums The animal profile here offers several brief facts as well as a very cute picture! The otter's sharp claws are mentioned on the Philadelphia Zoo site, but WAZA's fact sheets describes digging as one of an otter's favorite activities. One specific way that they use their claws is to help dig underground sleeping dens. WAZA also describes the otter's family structure. Otters mate for life and live in family groups. Parents and older siblings help to take care of new cubs. As with humans, otters are very social animals.

In what country can the giant panda be found?

The giant panda is found in bamboo forests of central China.