

How many goldfish can live in a one gallon tank?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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20 gallons for one fish and 10 gallon for each addition goldfish.

See the related link for further information.

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Q: How many goldfish can live in a one gallon tank?
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Can four goldfish live in a ten gallon tank?

depends, can a ten gallon tank live in a goldfish

Can a 2 comet goldfish live ia a 5 gallon tank?

One goldfish needs a 30-gallon tank, and an additional ten-gallons per additional goldfish. Goldfish can grow to be 10-12-inches long.

Can goldfish live in a one gallon tank with no filter?

For a few days yes.

Can small young veiltail goldfish and small young common goldfish and black moor live together in a common tank of 1 gallon?

No you schould not have that many fish in a one gallon tank. Thats the size of a big betta bowl. And because they are goldfish it is worse their poops are toxins

Can you put a goldfish in a tank without a fillter?

Yes. A goldfish can live without a filter. They may not live as long, but they do not have to have a filter, or a heater. I had goldfish in a five gallon tank without a filter for a long time. Hope that this helps.

Can you have a small yellow goldfish in a small tank?

If the goldfish is a fancy variety, it can live alone in a 20 gallon tank. Goldfish do not belong in tanks any smaller than this as they grow very large

Can a Black moor goldfish live in a 20 gallon tank?

Yes, you can have one goldfish in a 20 gallon tank, but no other tank mates, not even a snail.You still need to make sure you have a filter, and that you do regular weekly water changes as goldfish produce a high amount of waste.

Can 4 goldfish live in 5 gallons of water?

no they need at least five gallons each. a thirty gallon tank is a good size tank to keep goldfish in.

Haw many goldfish can live in a 2.5 gallon tank if any?

None. Goldfish should have a minimum of ten gallons of water per fish if you wish for them to live out their full lifespan of ~20 years.

Can you breed goldfish in a one gallon tank?

No. A one gallon tank is not appropriate for a singular goldfish much less multiple. A ten gallon tank is the bare minimum for a singular goldfish and breeding would require a tank of twenty gallons or more. A one gallon tank cannot handle the chasing that proceeds goldfish mating nor maintain a water quality that is suitable for raising goldfish fry.

Can an oranda goldfish live in same tank with regular goldfish?

Yes, but your tank size needs to support it. If you mean that a regular goldfish is a long single-tail goldfish, then you need at least a 40 gallon tank just for the 2 fish due to the size potential of the common goldfish. If you mean a regular goldfish as in a round bodied fantail, or perhaps a ryukin, then you need at least a 30 gallon tank for the 2 fish.

How many goldfish can go in a 3 gallon tank?

None! 1 goldfish can grow anywhere from 5 to 12 inches! It wouldn't live long because goldfish stunt their growth in small (unhealthy) spaces.