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Q: How many grades of arthritis is there?
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What system can you get arthritis from?

The immune system can be the cause of many different forms of arthritis the main one being Rheumatoid arthritis.

How many people have Arthritis in the world?

Between 2 to 3% of them have Rheumatoid arthritis

How many grades in a concussion?

there are 3 grades of concussions

What are some joint problems?

arthritis this is more general there are many different forms of arthritis

Is juvenile rheumatiod arthritis the only arthritis that you can be born with?

Yes, you can actually be born with arthritis. Most of the people born with arthritis are born with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

''how many grades are there''?

There is 11 grades total not counting College

How many celebs have arthritis?


What is the best for arthritis?

There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and many require different treatment's.

How many seniors have arthritis?

If there are 171 different types of arthritis, 4,687,950 are most likly affected by it.

Are NSAID medications appropriate arthritis treatments?

Yes NSAID medications are a good for treating arthritis. However there are many different types of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the primary one for used with NDAIDs.

How many forms of rheumatoid Arthritis?

There are over a hundred forms of arthritis but there is only one rheumatoid arthritis unless you also count juvenile RA as well.

What can cause arthritis to be in all your bones and blood?

At present the exact cause of arthritis is unknown however the cause for many forms of arthritis is carried in the immune system by the blood.