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Q: How many grams of calcium is in a stick of chalk?
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How many atoms of calcium are in one molecule of chalk?

One. CaCO3 is chalk and it contains one atom calcium.

Is chalk an element?

If you mean the sedimentary white rock, then that is Calcium Carbonate which has the elements Calcium, Carbon and Oxygen. If you mean blackboard chalk, then that is Calcium Sulphate which has the elements Calcium, Sulphur and Oxygen.

How many moles of calcium are in 5000 grams of calcium?

5000 grams calcium (1 mole Ca/40.08 grams) = 124.75 moles Calcium

How many elements are in chalk?

Chalk is a form of calcium carbonate, and contains the elements calcium, carbon, and oxygen.

How many moles of calcium are in 42.5 grams calcium?

42,5 grams calcium is equivalent to 1,06 moles.

How many corners a stick of chalk has?


How many grams are in 120 grams of calcium?


How many moles are there in 120 grams of calcium?

120 grams of calcium contain 2,994 moles.

What is the chemical composition of chalk?

Chalk is mostly calcium carbonate, with the formula CaCo3. It is formed from the crushed bodies of tiny sea creatures, which over eons collected as sediment on sea floors, was uplifted, then worn away by erosion and weathering. Chemically speaking, calcium carbonate is the union of the alkaline earth metal calcium and the polyatomic carbonate ion.

How many moles of calcium is 126g of ca?

126 grams calcium (1 mole Ca/40.08 grams) = 3.14 moles of calcium ------------------------------

How many grams calcium are in 100 grams calcium chloride?

The formula of anhydrous calcium chloride is CaCl2, and its gram formula mass is 110.99. The gram atomic mass of calcium is 40.08. Therefore, the grams of calcium in 100 grams of calcium chloride is 100(40.08/110.99) or 36.11 grams, to the justified number of significant digits.

How many grams of calcium oxide will remain after 12.25grams of calcium carbonate is completely decomposed?

6,863 grams of CaO