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Q: How many grams of carbon tetrachloride can be produced from reacting 709.0 grams of chlorine with excess methane?
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WhEn chlorine gas and reacts with methane carbon tetrachloride and hydrogen chloride are produced?

Ch4 + 4cl2 ---> ccl4 + 4 hcl

What would happen when methane react with chlorine?

When methane reacts with chlorine under sunlight, it forms chloromethane and hydrogen chloride. This reaction is a substitution reaction where one or more hydrogen atoms in methane are replaced by chlorine atoms. Overall, the reaction is exothermic and can be potentially explosive.

What are the SIMILARITIES between methane and carbon tetrachloride?

They both are odourless

How do you oxidize methane?

By burning it (reacting it with Oxygen)

What is observed when methane is mixed with chlorine water left in the dark?

Methane does not react with chlorine in the dark.

Does methane include a hydrogen bond?

No, methane does not contain any hydrogen bonds. Methane consists of a single carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms through covalent bonds. Hydrogen bonds are a specific type of intermolecular bond that forms between hydrogen atoms and highly electronegative atoms like oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine.

What are the 2 main products when methane and chlorine react?

The main products of the reaction between methane and chlorine are chloromethane (CH3Cl) and hydrogen chloride (HCl).

Is carbon tetrachloride a giant or simple structure?

Carbon tetrachloride has a simple molecular structure consisting of a carbon atom bonded to four chlorine atoms. It is not a giant structure like in some other compounds where atoms are arranged in a repeating pattern in a lattice.

What are chlorofulrocarbons?

anyway, it is chlorofluorocarbons. A chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane

Is berning methane a chemical racton explain?

Burning methane is a chemical reaction, because you are reacting it with oxygen. Work on your spelling as well.

Is CCL4 hydrocarbon and organic componud?

Yes!!! Because it contains CARBOB . All organic chemistry is based on carbon compounds. CCl4 is 'Tetrachloromethan' ( archaically 'Crbon tetrachloride). It is methane (CH4) with the four hydrogens substituted with chlorine.

How does hydrogen react differently then halogen?

The halogens react with hydrogen to form; Hydrogen + Chlorine = Hydrogen Chloride Hydrogen + Bromine = Hydrogen Bromide Hydrogen + Fluorine = Hydrogen Fluoride etc When these products are dissolved in water they form monobasic acids; Hydrogen Cholride --> Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Hydrogen Bromide --> Hydrobromic Acid (HBr) Hydrogen Fluoride --> Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) etc