

How many hairs on a horse?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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13y ago

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A lot! Depending if you shaved it.

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Q: How many hairs on a horse?
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Why do horses have hairs at the back?

these hairs are called tails. horses use these for fly swatters and they have them for horse language

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A horse's first coat

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there are over one million hairs in a horses tail. there are over one million haris on your very own head (unless your bald).

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yes. yes you are.

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the hairs are very thick depending on the breed.

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Maybe horse hairs

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What type of horse has furry leggs?

The long guard hairs on 'furry' horse legs are called feathers. This is typical of Friesians, Gypsy/Tinker horses, and many draft breeds such as the Shire and Clydesdale.