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According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, in 2004 (most recent year available) 649 people died in firearm accidents. That works out to less than two a day.

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Q: How many home intruders are killed by guns each year?
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What is the percentage of guns used in crimes?

guns are fired in less than 2% of home-intruders

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guns are fired in less than 2% of home-intruders

What is the animal home will sting intruders?

White Anemone in the Ocean which protects clown fish from Intruders from invading it's home.

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They make it more difficult for intruders to get into your home.

How many people get shot with house guns each year?

The "better" question would be "how many murders, rapes, and robberies are prevented by home guns ?"

What does 'a mans house is his castle' mean?

It means you home is your property and your domain. It means that you are allowed to defend your home and property to the best of your ability against intruders. But don't do anything to any intruders if you live in Canada. Up here we cater to criminals; they have more rights than law abiding citizens do.

How was Jesse James killed in his home?

Jesse James wasn't killed in his home.

How many people die in England because of accident?

About 4,000 people are killed in home accideAbAboAbout 4About 4,000 people are killed in home accidents each year - around 120 are under 15 and 1,300 over 75. The young and elderly are those most at risk in the home.about 4,000 people are killed in home accidents each year - around 120 are under 15 and 1,300 over 75. The young and elderly are those most at risk in the home.out 4,000 About 4,000 peopl3e are killed in home accidents each year - around 120 are under 15 and 1,300 over 75. The young and elderly are those most at risk in the home.people are killed in home accidents each year - around 120 are under 15 and 1,300 over 75. The young and elderly are those most at risk in the home.nts each year - around 120 are under 15 and 1,300 over 75. The young and elderly are those most at risk in the home.

Why should you have guns at home?

because of protection in your home for your kids especially

What happened to Jesse James's guns after he was killed and where are they now?

The last known owner of Jesse James' guns was a man named Bob Bidwell. Mr. Bidwell received the guns after a will dispute where the guns and the spurs were separated. My family currently is in possession of the spurs. Mr. Bidwell on the other hand got the guns. Apparently the gun was described to me by my grandfather who said it had notches in the handle. I have seen the spurs and they are in excellent condition. One of them still has the leather.

where can I get a cheap home monitoring system?

To keep possessions and family members safe from intruders, many homeowners turn to home alarm and monitoring systems. You can find one for under $200 at home safe.

Which country has the most guns in the home?

America. #maga