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Firstly, if you are still being paid for the time then be happy (as long as everythong is above board). If your manager tells you to go home for the day for lack of customers or cuts your hours back, then there is very little you can do about it. However if he is cutting your hours to only mornings or closing, then there is something wrong and you should probably question him about why your times are being cut back.

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13y ago

There is no max hours you can be forced to work. If they tell you to work you must work.

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Q: How many hours can a salaried manager be forced to work?
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What does salary position mean?

A salary (or salaried) position is one that pays you a set amount regardless of how many hours you work. For example, if you make a salary of $2,000 every week, you may work 30 hours or 60 hours. Non-salaried (wage positions) earn a per hour, so the more hours you work, the more money you make. Generally, salaried positions pay more.

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approximately 5-8 hours a year

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Salaried employees can be compelled to work as many hours as it takes to complete assigned tasks. The base salary per day remains the same.

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What is a salary worker?

A salaried worker gets paid the same wage every pay day no matter how many hours worked as opposed to an hourly worker who gets paid only for the hours worked (and gets paid overtime rates if they work more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week) or a piecework worker who gets paid per finished piece they make of acceptable quality no matter how many hours worked.

Does a army officer get over-time pay?

No, nor do enlisted personnel. Service members are salaried, and are paid the same monthly, regardless of how many hours they may have worked.

How many hours can you be forced to work in a single day?

No more than 24.

How many hours are Jews forced to work?

16 hour days were not uncommon.


It lasts around 10-12 hours on a 20lb propane tank.

How many hours lush cosmetics store manager work?

according to labour law a employ must work for eight hours