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Not hours - Jupiter orbits around the Sun in 11.86 years.

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Q: How many hours does Jupiter rotate around the sun?
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How many hour does Jupiter rotate?

9 hours

How many hours does it take for jupiter to rotate around the sun?

Jupiter takes approximately 103,980 hours to orbit the sun. The calculation is shown below: Jupiter takes 11.8618 years to orbit the sun which is equal to 11.8618 * 365.25 * 24 hours.

How many years does Jupiter takes to rotate around the sun?

a little over 11 years

How many hours does it take mars to rotate around the sun?

50 hours

How many hours does it take Venus to rotate around the sun?

5393 hours.

How many hours takes to the earth to rotate all the way around one time?

24 hours

How many hours does it take Jupiter to go around the sun?

Well, it takes Jupiter almost 12 years to go around the sun once, or 4331.57 days, to be exact. With 24 hours in a day, we multiply 4331.57 by 24 and we get 103,957.57 hours.

How many hours is one night on Jupiter?

There are 4.9625 hours in one night on Jupiter.

How many hours in 10 Jupiter days?

1 Day on Jupiter = 9.933333 Earth Hours. 10 Days on Jupiter = 99.33333 Earth Hours.

How many minutes are in an hour on Jupiter?

60. The length of the year and the length of the day on Jupiter will differ from that of Earth because a year is the length of time it takes to complete a circuit around the sun and a day is the length of time it takes to rotate on its axis. However, hours, minutes, and seconds are units of time that do not change on other planets.

How many hours does the moon needs to rotate?

The moon rotates and revolves around the Earth, both, in 27.32 days. That's about 655.7 hours.

How many hours and minute less does it take mars than earth to rotate the sun?

it takes about 6 months earth time for mars to rotate around the sun