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Q: How many hours does it take to sober up after 12 drinks?
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it depends on how much you take, but usually 7 to 9 hours

How long does liquor stay in your blood?

On average, the liver can metabolize one alcoholic drink per hour. When more than this is consumed, the excess circulates in the blood until the liver can metabolize it. For every drink consumed, the body needs an hour to get rid of it. If someone drinks five drinks in on hour, it will take 5 hours to be sober.

How many hours does it take to eliminate each drink in your system?

Answer: The human body takes 1 hour to process 1 unit of alcohol. If a person drinks 1 unit at 2:30pm and another at 3:00pm, he will not be sober at 4:00pm but at 4:30pm because the first unit had not been completely processed. There is no way to speed it up.

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Just a few hours and you should sober up and no longer feel the effects.

If a person drinks three shots of alcohol how many hours would it take the liver to filter the alcohol?

The liver can metabolize one ounce of alcohol in one hour. Assuming each shot is one ounce, it would take three hours.

How many drinks does it take to finish a 16 ounce can of beer?

It varies, depending on the size of your drinks.

Is it safe to take Nabumetone and Loritab four hours apart?

You should wait six hours. Also don't drink acidic drinks.

Will alcohol be out of your system on Monday if you have 2 or 3 drinks on a Saturday?

If we are being honest about 2 or 3 drinks it will take about 24 hours to sufficiently purge the alcohol from your system. However, if the two or three drinks turn into several it may take awhile longer.

What is a person who never drinks alcohol called?

general term used is "sober". There is no term to my knowledge that is used to identify someone that has NEVER taken an alcholic drink (i.e "virgin" in sex) -- Gernerally "sober" is also used to describe how long it has been since you have had your last drink (i.e "I have been sober for 3 years, 5 months, 3 days" or "I have been sober since March 12, 2007")

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yes in the sense it will relax you and lower anxiety....until you fall asleep within 1.5 hours or so. Careful if you drink, I'll sleep about 12 hours if I have 3-4 drinks.