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The minimum is nine hours and five minutes.

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Q: How many hours of daylight does Boston get in December?
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How many daylight hours in Norway on December 25Th?

In Oslo, the sunset will be 5 hours and 54 minutes after the sunrise on December 25, 2011.

How many hours of daylight in London in November through February?

There are about 8.5 hours of daylight at the start of November and about 9 hours at the end of February, but on the winter solstice (around December 21-22), there is about 7 hours and 52 minutes of daylight.

How many daylight hours oslo in December?

Oslo, Norway experiences only about 6 hours of daylight in December due to its high latitude. The winter solstice occurs near the end of December, resulting in the shortest day of the year with limited daylight hours.

How many hours of sunlight does Fort McMurray have?

During the winter, the month of December will peak to a low of 8 hours of daylight. During the summer, the month of June will peak to a high of 18 hours of daylight

' How many hours of daylight does Havana Cuba receive on December 21'?

Havana, Cuba receives about 13.2hours of sunlight on December 21.

How many hours of daylight are there in Chicago?

According to there are 9 hours of daylight per day in December and as many as 15 hours of daylight per day in the summer months of May, June and July. Take a look at

How many hours of daylight does Antarctica get on Christmas?

On December 25, all of Antarctica experiences 24 hours of sunlight.

How many hours of daylight are there in Barcelona?

I think there is around 18 hours of daylight!

How many daylight hours will there be on December 25 in Paris France?

the length of the day on the 25th of December is 7 hours, 57 minutes - about one minute more than on the 22/22 December which are the year's shortest days.