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The flight time from Vancouver International Airport to Tijuana, Mexico is:

2 hours, 23 minutes

Thats if you could find an airline that goes direct...

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Q: How many hours would it take to fly Vancouver BC to Tijuana Mexico?
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Related questions

How long is the flight from Cancun to Tijuana?

Your best option would be to take a flight from Tijuana to Mexico City, then to Cancun, taking 6-8 hours to complete.

What is the closest city in Mexico to Tijuana?

That would be Rosarito, 33 km (21 mi) south of Tijuana.

How long would it take to travel from Ahualulco Mexico to Tijuana by a southern Pacific train?

There are no passenger train routes between Ahualulco an Tijuana; only road transport would take you there. Travel time is approximately 24 hours after a non-stop drive.

What is the driving mileage from Tijuana to Mexico City?

Road distance is 1,717 miles. You would need a 31-hour drive, or a 6-hour flight to travel the distance between Tijuana and Mexico City.

What are the 3 industrialized cities in northern Mexico?

Monterrey, Hermosillo and Tijuana would be some of them.

How many hours would it take to drive from Tijuana to Cancun?

It would take a 45-hour, non-stop drive. Road distance is 4,369 kilometers (2,715 miles). It is almost the same distance you would drive between San Francisco, California and Washington D.C. Your best option would be to take a flight from Tijuana to Mexico City, then to Cancun, taking 6-8 hours to complete.

What is the time difference between the east coast and Mexico?

From one to two hours backwards. For instance, if it is 3 PM in New York City, it would be 2 PM on cities such as Mexico City, Cancun or Cozumel and it would be 1 PM in Tijuana or Ensenada.

Which city in Mexico is nearest to San Diego California?

That would be Tijuana, in the Baja California Peninsula.

Miles from Manzanillo Mexico to Tijuana Mexico?

Road distance is approximately 2,500 Km (1,550 miles) over a 28-hour, non-stop drive. Your best bet is a flight, which would take between 6 and 8 hours, including the stop at Mexico City.

How long does it take to get from Canada to Mexico?

Australia is UTC +10.5 to +8, Canada is -3.5 to -8

What do you call someone from Tijuana?

A person from Ciudad Juarez is a Juarense.

What country is 11 hour drive from Mexico?

There are several of them. For example, a road trip between Yreka, California (United States) and Tijuana Mexico takes 11 hours. Another couple of countries within the range would be El Salvador and Honduras.