

How many houses of representatives are there?

Updated: 10/22/2021
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Cleve Schultz

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Marcelina Crona

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Q: How many houses of representatives are there?
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How many houses does the legaslative branch have?

It has two houses- the House of Representatives and the Senate.

How many houses forr congress are there?

2 houses. Senate and House of Representatives.

How many houses does your congress have?

We have a bicameral legislature, which means there are two houses: House of Representatives and Senate.

How many houses is congress composed of?

There are two legislative chambers - the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What are the leaders of houses of representatives in states legislatures called?

Representatives is the name given to the leaders of houses of representatives in the states legislatures.

How many houses is congress broken into?

Two. The House of Representatives, and the Senate.

Why Section 1 sets up the Constitution how many houses and what are their names?

2 houses they are the senate and the house of representatives

What are the houses of congress?

House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate

How many houses are there in Congress?

The US House is composed of 435 voting Representatives.

How many houses does the Arizona state legislature have?

Two a Senate and a House of Representatives.

How many houses are in the Arizona state legislature?

The Senate and the House of Representatives.

How many houses are in your national legislature?

I'm an American and we have a bicameral legislature consisting of two houses, the Senate and House of Representatives.