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Q: How many inches of rain does a savanna grassland get in a year?
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Does it rain in the Savanna Desert?

The Savanna is not a desert. It is a region of semi-arid grassland and receives more rain than a desert.

What is life in savanna grassland?

the weather of the savanna is warm dry winters and hot rainy summers. rain fall in a savanna is about 18 to 20 inches( 45 - 50 cm ) of rain!!!

Is a savanna a desert habitat?

A savanna is a grassland and not a desert. It receives more rain than a true desert.

Does the Savanna Desert cover a quarter of the earth?

There is no such thing as the Savanna Desert. The savanna is a grassland that receives more rain than the desert.

What is the savanna desert below?

The savanna is not a desert, it is a grassland. The savanna receives more rain than a desert. The savanna of Africa is located below the Sahara.

Africa's rain forest are located on either of the?

tropical savanna and temperate grassland

If a desert gets 20 inches of rain it is considered what?

A desert is defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of rain on average per year. Generally, a grassland (savanna, steppe, etc.) would receive between 10 and 20 inches of rain.

Africa's rain forests are located on either side of the?

tropical savanna and temperate grassland

What is the rain fall in the African savanna?

2500 inches

What is the average rainfall in the Grasslands?

the average amount of rain fall in a grassland area in 42.5 inches a year

Which biomes usually receives the most precipatation in a year tropical rain forest grassland tundra or savanna?

tropical rainforest

What are the 3 different biomes that Simba was in the lion king?

The three biomes seen in The Lion King are the tropical rainforest, desert, and savanna grassland.