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Q: How many individual ocelots are still living in the wild?
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How many ocelots are left in South America?

Ocelots are still common in most of their range, exact figures not available.

How many ocelots are left?

No data is available on exact numbers, but is still common over much of its range.

How many ocelots were there in the 1900s?

Certainly in the many thousands, as ocelots have never been on endangered lists.

How many ocelots are left alive?

No data is available on exact numbers, but is still common over much of its range.

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How many ocelots are currently surviving in the world?

The ocelot is considered still common, many thousands exist in the wild, listed as a species of least concern.

How many kittens do ocelots have?

About four.

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How many ocelots live in one area?


What are facts about the ocelot?

Ocelots are one of the many endangered species found in Texas. Ocelots are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and hunt during the night. I find it interesting that they spend their day resting in extremely thick brush that humans would have to crawl to get through. An Ocelot's living area is about 1to 4 square miles. The kittens living den is made by a female in thick brush. The Ocelot kitten's mother stays with them during the day but leaves them and goes off to hunt at night. As soon as 3 months of age the baby Ocelots begin to hunt with their mother. Young Ocelots usually stay with there mother until they are about a year old, then they go off to live on their own.the ocelot is about 3 to 4 feet in lengthThe Ocelot is found in Mexico and in Central and South America. Ocelots are solitary and are very territorial. Ocelots are carnivores.

How many ocelots are still alive?

The ocelot is still a fairly common animal over most of it's range, no exact figures are available, because of their secretive nature, but the species does not seem to be in any immediate danger.

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