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That is impossible to tell. In which country? At which time? Look at the number of patents in the USA and guess that have the number shows the number of inventors.

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Q: How many inventors are there in total?
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How many inventors are there in the US?

how many inventors are there in the u.s.?

How many inventors are in the world?

Very good question. Depending on what is being "invented" will determine the number of inventors. If an idea is considered an invention, then there are as many inventors as there are people :) But if if you wondering how many inventors there are concerning the "Slap Chop", there are probably around 4 or 5.

Who were popcorn inventors?

I think popcorn inventors were Orville, Act2, and many more!!!

Are there any inventors who is still alive?

Yes, many millions of inventors are alive.

How many nouns in the following sentence Inventors have special talents?

There are two nouns in your sentence: inventors and talents.


Many kids are good Inventors because they have the time and they could think of more things to learn or know.

What is the possessive form of inventor?

Singular: Inventor's Plural: Inventors'

How many hours did inventors work?

about 24 hours a day ...

What are inventors and inventions?

Inventors are the people who think up useful stuff that no one has thought of before. They may come up with an idea "as a whole" or may take pieces of this idea and that idea to make something new and unique. Inventions are the things inventors create; they are the product or the application that comes out of an inventor's idea. And history is full of inventors and inventions. There are many, many tens of thousands of them both.

What inventors last name is Monk?

There are many such inventors. Using Google Patent search listed 5,750 patents whose inventor(s) included this name.

How many blacks were inventors?

Only one, the guy who invented the blunt

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the inventors and their stories