

How many isotopes does germanium have?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Germanium has 9 isotopes.

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Q: How many isotopes does germanium have?
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How many radioactive isotopes are there in germanium?

Natural germanium has only one radioactive isotope - germanium 76. 27 artificial radioisotopes of germanium are known.

Does germanium form any isotopes?

Germanium has 5 naturally occurring stable isotopes: 70, 72, 73, 74, 76. Dozens of other radioactive isotopes can be created.

What are the most common isotopes of germanium?

69 and 67

How many neutrons in a single atom of germanium -74?

Germanium-72 has 32 protons and 40 neutrons. In nuclear physics nomenclature, the number represents the total number of protons and neutrons. Since all germanium isotopes have 32 protons, the remaining value after subtracting 32 is the number of neutrons (ex. 72-32 = 40).

What is mass number of germanium?

Germanium has five naturally occurring isotopes ranging in atomic mass number from 70 to 76. The number given in the periodic table is: 72,63

What is the nuclear composition of the five naturally occurring isotopes of germanium having mass numbers of 70 72 73 and 76?

Each one has 32 protons, because that is the atomic number of germanium. The remaining nuclear mass is due to neutrons, of which there are 38, 40, 41, and 44 respectively from the lightest to the heaviest of these isotopes.

How many electrons does germanium have?

Germanium has 32 electrons.

How many protons does germanium have?

The element germanium has 32 protons.

How many protons are in the element germanium?

Germanium has 32 protons.

What do you call a germanium atom with two less neutrons?

an isotope of germanium. There are 5 stable isotopes of germanium (70, 72, 73, 74, and 76), so with two less neutrons than these you could have these isotopes (68, 70, 71, 72, or 74) of which the isotopes 68 and 71 are radioactive.

What is a germanium's atomic number How many electrons does germanium have?

Germanium Atomic number is 32 and the number of electrons is 32

How many protons are in germanium?

All germanium atoms have 32 electrons.