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Though the exact number will never be certain due to the difficulty in distinguishing a true suicide-attack from a pilot who chooses to steer his plane into an enemy target only once he has been disable, historians claim that approximately 4000 pilots sacrificed themselves in Kamikaze attacks against the Allies.

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Q: How many kamikaze pilots died in the second world war?
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How many battles were kamikazes used in and how many kamikaze pilots died?

Around 2000 kamikaze flights were mounted during World War II. They sank 40 US ships. 3,913 Japanese kamikaze pilot's died altogether.

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About 17,000

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14,166. on allied powers , the central powers is unknown

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Many German pilots died in world war two I'm pretty sure no one is exactly for sure but there may be some one out there who does know and type any comments and if you have any corrections please make them thanks

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544 allied pilots and i don't know the stats for Luftwaffe

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Were kamikaze pilots volunteers?

This is an excerpt from my friend's essay on the Kamikaze. We have been analyzing the tokkotai pilots and their reasons for joining the Kamikaze force for three months as a school project. Hope it helps! -Ksqueepyb"The Kamikaze were every bit as noble as their title suggests. Divine Wind, they were called. Surely these courageous young men were heroes of their nation, the very essence of a brave soul eager to serve his country. Yet the truth is quite the contrary, as they were required to participate; forced to bring their families honor. Many believe, or believed, that the Kamikaze were foolish and headstrong boys, but both analyses are incorrect. The pilots were Japan's university students, holders of the best intellects of their time, and despite past perspectives of their being unemotional and oblivious to their untimely deaths, frighteningly aware of their bleak future. Even though most would never reach that now seemingly impossible future of prosperity bred from childhood naivety, the tokkotai pilots flew with a new goal in their hearts. To sacrifice their lives for that of their families and homeland. Be it justifiable or unreasonable, it stood with them during their final flights, brewing inside their chests alongside a myriad of other emotions. Though the compromise between Japan and America had been made by the island nation's surrender, conflict still toiled in the minds of tokkotai pilots. Those left behind, not able to embrace the death they had so long anticipated were left stranded between shame and guilt. The companions they'd trained with, laughed with, and endured pain alongside had died an ultimately honorable death, but they themselves would have to remain and try to rebuild their destroyed country. " -Sofi