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Q: How many kernals of corn on one ear?
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How many con kernels are on one ear?

how many corn kernels are on one ear of corn

How many cups equal a corn cob?

One ear of corn on the cob equals less than one cup of corn. There is approximately 3/4 of a cup of corn in one medium ear of corn.

How many ears of corn on a stalk?

Generally 2. One big ear and one smaller one.

How much does one ear of sweet corn weigh?

The full ear including husk, cob, and kernels weighs about a pound, depending on a number of factors. One ear will yield about four to six ounces of kernels.

What is the purpose of silk on and ear of corn?

To get straight to the point - the silk is on the ear of corn so it can catch the pollen falling from the tassels on top of the corn plant. Each silk is able to produce one kernel of corn.

What does a worm do in a corn field?

Yes, a worm can eat corn.

What does the worm do in a corn field?

go in one ear and out the other.

How many wheat seeds is one gram?

welllllll it all depends on the type of corn. if you have hiperhopper corn, it takes approximitly 7 kernals of corn from my personal RECENT discoveries in my home made chemistry lab. all other corn types weigh in at 4 and 1/234 of the seed. if you have any questions just ask me :)no problem(:

How many cups equal 6 ears of corn?

One medium ear of corn has about 3/4 cup of corn kernels.

How many cups of corn are in an ear of corn?

Per this website: [[]],Two medium ears of corn equals 1 cup corn kernels. One (10-oz.) package frozen corn kernels equals 1 3/4 cups corn kernels.

For corn do you get one ear of corn per seed?

That depends on what cultivar the corn is. Most cultivars enable at least two ears of corn to be produced per seed that is planted, not just one.

How do you convert cob corn to shelled corn?

On average, multiply the ear corn bushels times 0.8 to get shelled corn bushels. This is not an absolute, just a rule of thumb for estimating. The only way to get a truly accurate measure is to go ahead and shell the corn.