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Q: How many kids does a mermaids have?
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How many peope believe in mermaids?

only little kids should believe in mermaids because of arial. grown ups should not believe in arial, so no grownups or people, just little kids.

Ken 8 year old kids and 10 year old kids turn into mermaids?

No, mermaids do not exist and becoming one is impossible.

Did mermaids exist in ancient times?

No-mermaids never existed.They are just a fairy tale that is made to entertain kids all over the world.

How many mermaids are in the Atlantic ocean?

There are none. Mermaids do not exist.

How many pages does A Book of Mermaids have?

A Book of Mermaids has 128 pages.

How many people believe in mermaids?

not many ppl believe in mermaids but what most ppl don't know is that most of the ocean is unexplored so they don't know for sure what is there i for one strongly belive in a mermaids existence

How many mermaids are there in the world?


Are murmaides really real?

I am sorry but no, mermaids are not real. It is only a fairy tale that was told so kids wouldn't get scared to go into the water because kids thought that mermaids had dolphins that can save your life. So parents said that they were real to make their kids not be scared of the water... Sorry! I was disappointing too when I heard ha-ha!

Where do mermaids originates from?

Well mermaids oringinate from the greek but have spread amongst many other cultures and countries.

How many mermaids died?

None. Mermaids are fictional characters, and since they never existed, they could not die.

Does the movie Mermaids have anything to do with actual mermaids?

There are no actual mermaids...

How can you be like zuri from Jessie?

Try to be playful and believe in mermaids tooth fairy and any myths be like a little kids