

How many kids get bullied on facebook a day?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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like millions of people get bullied in facebook but its really sad

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Q: How many kids get bullied on facebook a day?
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900 thousand kids are bullied every day in Canada.

How many kids are bullied in one day?

the world is large so 50 billion people are bullied in a day

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on average 30% of kids get bullied a day, maybe more

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There's no exact data on how many kids get bullied in a year but according to a research around 180,000 kids stay home every day from school to avoid being bullied which is very sad👎

How many kids are bullied every day in the world?

Well this question can't be answered exactly, but I would think in the whole world there would be hundreds of thousands of kids bullied.

Hom many people are cyber bullied in a day?

10,000 people are cyber bullied a day. ( Dr. Phil)

How many people get bullied a day?

Most people never come forward, the exact number remains unknown. 8% of children in an online poll said they get bullied everyday. However 7% say they get bullied every week. Also, 33% say they get bullied once in a while and 52% say they never get bullied. If you are being bullied please tell someone now. In the UK, call 519 473 5214 it is the LABC (London anti bullying coalition).

How many kids die from being bullied every day?

Teenagers commit suicide everyday because they can't take the bullying anymore. You have no idea how bad it can get!!

How may kids kill their self in a day from being bullied?

about 200 a year its so sad to do that to your self

How many kids get bullied in school a day?

you never know why sometimes its just cuz they r mad and they take it out on you or they are jealouse of you so just ignore them you are perfect being you

How many people get bullied ever day?

millions of people every day