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Base on a calorie calculator site, a 12 year old boy would need 1800 - 2200 kCal of energy from food and is 7560 - 9240 kJ per day.

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2w ago

A 12-year-old boy typically needs around 1,800-2,400 kilocalories per day to support growth and development. This is equivalent to approximately 7,500-10,000 kilojoules. The exact amount can vary based on factors like activity level, metabolism, and overall health.

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Q: How many kilo joules does a 12 year old boy need?
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What is the average power requirement for the US in watts if the total annual U.S. energy consumption is about 21020 joules (1 watt is 1 joules)?

The average power requirement for the US can be calculated by dividing the total annual energy consumption by the number of seconds in a year. The total number of seconds in a year is approximately 31,557,600. Therefore, the average power requirement for the US would be 0.67 watts (21020 joules / 31,557,600 seconds).

How much power per year does a 1.5mw wind turbine generate?

The power of a 150-megawatt wind turbine is 150 megawatts,or 150 million watts.The energy it generates is 150 million joules per second, or 150 thousand kilowatt-hours per hour.1 day = 86,400 seconds1 year = 365 days (rounded)150 million joules per second = (150 million x 86,400) joules per day =(150 million x 86,400 x 365) joules per year =4.7304 x 1015 joulesof energy per year (4,730,400,000,000,000 joules of energy per year)If we convert this number to the more familiar unit that appearson your electric bill, it's equal to1,314 million Kilowatt-hours of energy per year

How many joules of fossil fuel energy would we use per person?

It varies depending on the energy consumption habits of each person, but on average, an individual in the United States uses about 230 million BTUs of fossil fuel energy per year, which is roughly equivalent to 70,000 kilowatt-hours or 760 million joules. It is essential to reduce this energy consumption and transition to more sustainable energy sources to mitigate climate change and reduce our carbon footprint.

A typical home uses approx 2000KWhr of energy per monthIfthe energy came from a nuclear reaction what mass would have to be converted to energy per year to meet the energy needs of the home?

To calculate the mass that would need to be converted to energy, we can use Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass, and c is the speed of light. The energy required for a year for a typical home would be 2000 kWh x 12 months = 24,000 kWh. Converting this energy to joules and using the equation, we find that approximately 2.123 × 10^-11 kg of mass would need to be converted to energy per year to meet the home's energy needs.

How much energy is in an lightning bolt?

A typical lightning bolt releases approximately 1 billion joules of energy, which is equivalent to the energy consumed by a 60-watt light bulb in six months of continuous operation.

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