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Q: How many kilometers of power lines does BC Hydro have?
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How many people were killed by hydro power?


Was hydro-power used in 1900?

The reason that there are so many towns in the Piedmont of the Appalachian mountains is because the mills that relied upon the water falls. Hydro-electric maybe not but hydro-power, yes.

How many hydro electric power plants are there in india?


What sources is hydro power made from?

Hydro power is harnesses energy from water. There are many different plants across the country that are utilizing this type of power to help run one's factory.

Were is hydro power found?

Wherever there is water and a hydroelectricity plant. It can be found in most coastal regions and at most resorivers and rivers/ lakes.

How many hydro power plants in the US'?

3 1/2

Is their a river dam?

There are many river dams, many are built to create hydro power.

Could hydro-power be used for transportation?

Yes, hydro (kinetic) energy can be used to generate electricity. There are many electric vehicles, including trains.

How many countries use hydroelectricity?

Quebec , Canada uses hydro power because of it's many rivers.

What are energy resources on Canada?

Canada has many energy resources. They include Hydro power and oil.

Where are hydro generators typically used?

Hydro generators are used to power cities, towns and many homes and businesses. They generate electricity that is used both residentially and commercially.

What are some disatvantages of water energy?

Many country construct hydro-power plant by using dam and thus cause deforestation. Many case of hydro-power dam preventing species migration such as in Pak Mun Dam of Thailand. It also have conflict between power sector and agricultural sector.