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Q: How many layers are in a nail plate?
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What causes a vertical white line on the toenail?

Leuconychia is evident as white lines or spots in the nail plate and may be caused by tiny bubbles of air that are trapped in the nail plate layers due to trauma. This condition may be hereditary and no treatment is required as the spots will grow out with the nail plate. It also means your nails aren't hard enough.

What does the nail plate contain?

The nail plate is composed of keratin.

Does the amount of layers on a nail effect nail polish chipping?

yes the more layers the less chipping

What is the nail plate produced by?

The nail plate is produced by living skin cells ( specialized epithelial cells)

Explain the difference between the nail plate and the nail bed?

The nail part refers to the the visible part of nails on fingers and toes while the nail bed refers to the skin beneath the nail plate.

Name the basic parts of the nail unit?

The basic parts of the nail unit include the nail root,nail bed,nail plate,cuticle,perionychium and the hyponychium.The nail plate,the nail bed,the cuticle,the matrix,the nail folds and the lunula are the basic parts of the nail unit.

Part of the nail that covers the tender part of your finger?

Nail plate

What is part of the nail that covers the tender part of your finger?

the nail plate

Why are nail technicians not allowed to cut the skin around the base of the nail plate?

The skin around the base of the nail plate is called the cuticle. When the cuticle is removed, bacteria and other infection can get to your nail without the nail being protected by the cuticle.

What is the nail body or plate?


What is the middle part of the nail?

The middle part of the nail is called the nail plate or nail body. It is the hard, flat portion of the nail that extends from the base to the free edge.

How do you remove nail polish with multiple layers of top coat or hardener?

nail polish remover