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Q: How many lbs does a child have to be to get out of a car seat in NY?
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If the child is eighty eight lbs and twelve years old can they ride in the front seat of a car in IN?

Yes he/she can, but i would advise you to raise the seat as high as it can go if it is possible in your car

Is 70 lbs too light for a child to ride in the front seat of a car if she is tall enough?

the recommendation is 80 to 100

How much do you have do weigh to sit in the front seat of a car in NY?

According to the NYS DMV website, a child CAN sit in the front seat of a car, but its not safe. Especially with airbags in the car. Even check out the website!

How much do you have to weigh to not sit in a car seat in the state of GA.?

you have to be 80 lbs to not sit in a Car Seat.

What age is a child when they weigh 28 pounds. Need to know roughly how old child will be before car seat needs replacing?

A child should weigh about 26 lbs at age 2... i found the answer on Medindia

How old does a child have to be to ride in the front seat in Oklahoma?

they have to be at 100 lbs.

What is the weight limit for sitting in the front seat of a car?

90 lbs.

How much does a child have to weigh to sit in the front seat safely?

70 lbs

How many pounds do you have to weigh to not sit in a car seat?

you have to be 80 lbs or 8 years old....which ever comes first.

How much do you have to weigh to sit in a regular seat in a car?

i think it is 45 lbs

What age should a child be to sit in the front seat in TX?

4'9 or 95 lbs

What are the weight requirements for children in vehicles without child restraint seats?

60 lbs for the backseat and 80 lbs for front seat