


Child Safety

Children are precious and their safety should be a priority for all adults, not just parents and relatives. In the Child Safety category, questions should be about the welfare and safety of children, including how to keep them out of harm's way. Everything from keeping them safe at home, on the playground, and on the Internet to what to do if they are experiencing abuse at home or bullying at school to the safety of their car seats and toys and more can be asked here.

2,520 Questions

What dosage of milk of magnesia should you give to your three month old baby?

It is not recommended to give milk of magnesia to babies under one year old without consulting a healthcare provider. Always consult with a pediatrician before giving any medication to infants.

What dosage of milk of magnesia should you give to your five month old baby?

If taken orally in liquid suspension, the antacid effects should be nearly instant. Regarding laxative effect, I shall quote the manfacturer's slogan: "Take MOM in the PM for a BM in the AM" Pithy but accurate; give it 8 hours to start seeing effects. Do not take this medication for more than one week in a row.

How many kids can a lion have?

Lions typically give birth to a litter of 2 to 4 cubs, although litters as large as 6 cubs have been recorded. Each litter can have a different number of cubs.

What is safety device in a plug called?

Some electrical outlets, especially the ones for outdoor use or for indoor use near water sources, are equipped with a built-in circuit breaker called a 'Ground Fault Interruptor' (GFI for short).

Other built-in safety features of some electrical outlets include child safety protections that prevent children from inserting things like knives, etc. into them.

Does synthetic clothes catch fire easily?

Synthetic clothes are more likely to catch fire easily compared to natural fabrics like cotton or wool. They are made from materials like polyester, nylon, and acrylic, which are petroleum-based and can melt or burn quickly when exposed to heat or flames. It's important to be cautious when wearing synthetic clothes around sources of heat or flame.

Why you need to tie hair up in a lab?

So that it does not get caught up in the equipment or experiment that you are performing.

Why are children exploited?

Children are often exploited due to their vulnerability and inability to protect themselves. Factors such as poverty, lack of education, and familial issues can make children more susceptible to exploitation by individuals seeking to take advantage of them for labor, trafficking, or other harmful purposes. Additionally, societal factors such as societal norms, weak legal protections, and limited enforcement mechanisms can contribute to the prevalence of child exploitation.

Do seat belts ride down the effects of a crash?

Yes, seat belts help to reduce the effects of a crash by securing the occupant in place and preventing them from being thrown around the vehicle. Seat belts spread the force of a collision over a larger area of the body, reducing the risk of serious injury. It is crucial to always wear a seat belt properly while in a moving vehicle for maximum safety.

What would happen if there's no friction while you're sliding down a slide?

If there were no friction while sliding down a slide, you would continue sliding downwards at a constant speed without slowing down or stopping. Your motion down the slide would be smooth and uninterrupted, potentially leading to a faster and more efficient descent.

Does good childcare exist in this world anymore?

Yes, there are still many options for good childcare, including daycare centers, in-home caregivers, and nanny services. It may require some research and due diligence to find a reputable and reliable childcare provider, but they do exist.

Why would the front passenger seat in a Lexus LS not be moving forward and backward?

There could be several reasons why the front passenger seat in a Lexus LS is not moving forward and backward. It could be due to a faulty seat motor, a problem with the seat tracks or wiring, a blown fuse, or a malfunction in the seat control module. It is recommended to have the seat inspected by a professional technician to diagnose and fix the issue.

What is a safe speed for a child on a slide?

A safe speed for a child on a slide is a moderate, controlled speed where they can enjoy the ride without risking injury. It is important for children to slide feet-first and in a seated position to maintain control and avoid potential accidents. Adult supervision is also recommended to ensure the child's safety.