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Q: How many legs does a spider have on each side?
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How many legs a grasshoppers has?

All grass hoppers have six legs.

Where are millipede legs?

A milipede's body is divided into many sections, each of which has a set of legs at the bottom. In most species, each section has two legs on either side, but this can vary greatly.

How many legs do monarch butterflies have?

Butterflies are insects. They all have six legs.

How many legs does a centipede have per segment?

A centipede has two legs per segment, one on each side. And they usually stick out to the side of the centipede. A milipede has 4 legs per segment, two on each side, and they are usually more under the body of the milipede.

How many of this spiders would fit side by side in the length of 1 meter?

The answer will depend on the size of the spider and also on how close they can get to each other without getting into each others' space.

How many legs do Hemaris thysbe have?

The Hemaris Thysbe is classed as an insect and therefore has six legs in total, 3 pairs or two, with three on each side of the body.

How many lags does a ladybug have?

i think you meant to say legs if i am not mistaken, but a ladybug has 6 legs 3 on each side. they are classified as insects so they would have 6!

Does crossing your legs give you spider veins?

there is no one reason that you get spider veins. the trait is passed down through your genes and is usually more common in people with light skin or who are overweight. BUT when you cross your legs you are putting more pressure on your capillaries which can be a contributing factor as to why you get spider veins. so just to be on the safe side, switch off which leg is crossed on top and give 'em a break for a few minutes each hour. =D ***

How many leg does a pill bugs?

A pill bug is an isopod with 7 legs on each side so 14 together

Do millapedes have over 100 legs?

no, millipedes have 2 legs on each side per body segment.

Do ants have six legs on one side or both sides?

Ants, like all insects, have a total of six legs, three on each side.

What has 1 legpart or support on each side?
